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Online Security Tips – How to Stay Safe Online

Cyber security is vital for your family and you. The good thing is that you don’t need to master coding in order to protect yourself online. It’s mostly common sense.

Update your software and apps. This common advice is one of the most effective ways to staying safe, as updates often include security fixes.

Select strong passwords, and avoid reusing them for multiple accounts. Utilizing the same password on multiple sites is a major risk as it allows hackers to gain access to any account with that same password if the site is compromised.

Don’t click on links within emails, Facebook messages or text messages from untrusted sources. They could be faked to gather your personal information like username, password, or credit card details. Find websites that have security features with addresses that begin with https http:// and include an icon of a padlock.

Consider using a password management software that keeps the record of all your passwords. These tools make it easy to create unique passwords and they are frequently updated.

Use 2-step verification for accounts that provide it. This will give you an additional layer of protection in the event that your email address or telephone number are compromised.

Keep your important information safe and secure to protect yourself in the case of a hacker attack or natural disaster. This can be done through cloud storage or on a local storage device. You may want to consider using a VPN to provide an additional layer of security when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.


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