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Information Technologies

Information technologies (ITs) are computers and telecommunications systems that allow us to exchange, store and process information. They comprise the software and hardware that allow us to connect with others via messages via e-mail or instant messaging, keep track of the investments of your online bank account or spreadsheets, take part in hobbies like gardening or genealogy using specific graphing or word processing programs and locate medical information, research school or job prospects on the World Wide Web, and many more.

Technology allows people to access and organize huge amounts of data quickly, resulting in greater efficiency for a number of tasks. It allows for the analysis of huge amounts of data and allows decisions to be made with greater speed.

Increasingly, the business world requires technology to operate. It can assist an organization manage employee time and attendance. It is able to automate tasks that used to require manual effort or a human input. It can also enable businesses to track inventory and provide instant customer service.

New technologies for information often require a steep learning curve for users to master. A lot of IT careers are focused on the creation, maintenance and support of these systems. Information security analysts oversee computer support specialists, cybersecurity offer technical support to users, and network administrators establish and maintain communications networks like the LAN and WAN.

The public must be aware of information technology in order to be able to participate fully in the world. An individual who is aware of the way information is presented on a personal website may be better informed about the potential risks and benefits of allowing public access to private information such as credit card transactions or family photos and will have a better informed view of policy issues such as free expression and child pornography on the Internet.


Terre d’éveil est une petite planète où le soin de la personne est mis entre les mains de Dame Nature.
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