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Data Analytics Tools Comparison

The consumer generates a lot of data on their habits, preferences, and experiences that companies can utilize to improve their products and services to match the demands of their customers. The proper analytics tool is essential to achieving business goals such as more engagement, increased sales and more efficient operations.

Start by deciding which data types you would like to integrate, and how you intend to achieve this. Some tools are specifically designed to provide traditional enterprise reporting, whereas others are designed to assist you perform advanced mathematical analyses or track sensitive information like health data. It is important to consider the way that the analytics tool you are considering will integrate with your current workflow and data architecture.

Some tools offer an iterative experience for data scientists as well as advanced users, while others are designed to allow non-technical or people who are not experts in data to perform point-and click analysis. It is also important to take a close look at the options for data visualization and features offered by each tool. Some tools are designed to create visual charts, while others require SQL or third-party applications to create models of the data prior to it being able to be analysed.

After you’ve narrowed your options down, take a look at the cost and also whether the platform is dependent on subscription fees or software licenses. Some tools are completely free, whereas others require an upfront investment and ongoing maintenance fees. Make sure you weigh these costs against the potential return on investment from insights and efficiencies gained through using an analytics tool.


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